You don’t need to sacrifice performance when trying to lose weight.


One of the biggest fears clients have when they come to me to lose weight is also losing their strength and performance.

I TOTALLY understand their fear--I wouldn't want to lose all of my hard-earned gains, either. 

The trick for these athletes: eat enough food, especially carbs, to FUEL your workouts (and recovery) while still being in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

I usually have to increase calories for clients who struggle to lose weight because they are eating less than I would have my grandmother eat. When I do, I see the following stages: There is usually fear (“Won’t I gain weight?”) followed by resistance (continued undereating), and finally acceptance (“I don’t have to starve myself???”). Then adherence, which is where we see the best results.

Another trick we use is to bump up carbohydrate intake around training and exercise. This helps fuel the training (thus keeping gainz) and aids in recovery (for future gainz). 

Are you struggling with performance while cutting/losing weight? It may be that you need to eat more (good) food. 

What is YOUR biggest struggle with cutting/losing weight?


What’s the deal with sugar, anyway?


A guide for easy portions