What’s the deal with sugar, anyway?

What’s so bad about sugar, anyway?

In small quantities, sugar doesn’t really pose any problems. It can be a useful tool for training. It makes food taste good. Natural sugars in fruits and other foods are combined with amazing micronutrients that our body NEEDS.

The problem with sugar is that we eat TOO DAMN MUCH. It’s everywhere--spaghetti sauce, donuts, cookies, granola, protein powders and bars, sodas, juices, etc. We are constantly inundated with sugar, and our bodies are paying the price.

We know that prolonged excess sugar can lead to illnesses, like diabetes, over time. But one of the biggest problems with sugar is that it is completely void of any micronutrients. It really adds nothing to our health, except creating a dependency on it.

When we eat products with added sugar, our blood insulin levels spike to move that excess sugar into storage. This process costs our body in the form of already stored nutrients. To help balance blood sugar levels, our bodies pull stored nutrients to help.

This creates a nutritional deficiency because not only are we pulling stored nutrients, but sugar is devoid of nutrients itself.

This is one of the first areas I work on with clients. We work on reducing sugar intake so that we get the nutrients our bodies actually need to help fight things like high insulin levels, inflammation, and hormonal issues.

​Today, I challenge you to take a look at your food--where is there hidden sugar? Let me know what you find that surprised you!


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You don’t need to sacrifice performance when trying to lose weight.