WTF do I buy?: A Shopping Guide for navigating the grocery store

Sometimes, eating healthy can seem overwhelming because of the sheer number of labels out there: organic, natural, farm-fresh, grass-fed, pasture-raised…

Here are some tips I use when choosing produce: what to look for, where to spend a little more, and where you can save.


Conventional items: I tend to buy conventionally grown produce if it has a thick skin/coating to protect it, and I peel the skin off anyway. This is where I like to save my money so I can accidently find dark chocolate in my cart... Does that ever happen to you? Weird. I tend to buy from the “Clean 15” list: Corn, avocados, pineapples, cabbage, onions, sweet peas, papayas, asparagus, mangoes, eggplant, honeydew, kiwi, cantaloup, cauliflower, grapefruit

Frozen: Frozen fruits and veggies allow me to enjoy out-of-season options year-round, and they are usually frozen shortly after picking, so they are pretty nutrient-rich.

Pre-cut items: I am a pretty frugal person by nature (ask ANYONE in my family), but sometimes the time saved is worth the effort. I like to grab broccoli slaw, diced onions, and pre-cut lettuces.

Local foods: foods that have traveled less will not only have a better carbon footprint, but will also tend to have more nutrients. Plus, supporting local farmers and businesses is always a win.

Seasonal: while it is nice to have choices year-round, most produce has a “season”. Fall is a GREAT time to buy seasonal foods, as it is traditionally harvest season. Go beyond pumpkin-spiced everything, and look at what’s in season. You’ll save some money (cha-ching!), lessen your carbon footprint, AND get more nutrients.

Organic: Aim for organic when you can for the following “Dirty Dozen” (aka foods that have been found to have the most pesticides. Eww.) Strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes, celery, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, potatoes. If you eat the skin, or the produce has a thin skin, chances are that they are absorbing EVERYTHING that is sprayed on.

What are your favorite healthy shopping tips? ​


A guide for easy portions


What’s your relationship with vegetables?