Roasted tomato soup

TBH, soup is normally a fall/winter food for me. It's warm, comforting, and perfect for a cold night.

Recently, while visiting family up north, I received a TON of tomatoes (ok, really, like 5 lbs. But still!) and knew I wouldn't eat them fast enough before they'd go bad.

Solution? Tomato soup and grilled cheese!
(Fun fact--up until a few years ago, my husband NEVER had this combo. He's a changed man now).

This is not an exact recipe... I just kind of threw it together based on what I have and what I liked. I encourage you to do the same :) I failed in taking an "after" picture, so you'll have to use your imagination here.
You can see a play-by-play of the making of this soup on my Instagram stories highlights.

Roasted Tomato Soup:
3-3.5 lbs of tomatoes (I was given homegrown Roma tomatoes. They worked very well)
2-3 cloves of garlic 
1 onion, chopped
1-32 oz container of chicken stock
2 bay leaves
2 T butter
1 chunk of goat cheese (I normally just eyeball)

Roast the tomatoes, garlic, and onion with some avocado oil and salt and pepper at 450 for 20-30 minutes.

When the tomatoes and onions are slightly caramelized, remove from oven and transfer into pot. Add 3/4 of the container of chicken stock, as well as the bay leaves and butter. Simmer 15-20 minutes.

Remove bay leaves, and using an immersion blender (or a regular blender), blend tomatoes, onions and garlic until smooth. Add more chicken stock if soup is too thick. Add goat cheese and stir to make it more creamy.

Served with grilled cheese sandwiches.

Let me know if you made it, and how you made it yours!



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