Cherries: Nature’s sweet answer to (almost) everything

Need some help getting and staying asleep?  Super sore from a workout, or trying to fight off a cold?  A little backed up?  Holding onto some extra water?

You may want to incorporate tart cherries into your diet.

Cherries are packed with a TON of antioxidants, and have been shown to have one of the highest anti-inflammatory content in foods.  Tart cherries are also one the richest sources of melatonin--it could help increase your sleep time by 90 minutes!

Starting a new school year, plus being 5 months pregnant, plus being sore from some of my workouts, plus it being hot af... I could use a little boost in recovery.

I have been incorporating some 100% tart cherry juice into my early evening routine, and I feel like it's making a difference. I tend to sleep better, feel less achy and sore, and notice less swelling.

I mix about 2 oz/1/4 cup of organic tart cherry juice (I got mine at Sprouts market) with some sparkling water, about 3 hours before I go to bed (I try not to drink too many liquids before bed, and cherry juice is a natural diuretic). Not only is it super beneficial, but it's pretty good, too!

Who's gonna try tart cherry juice? Let me know what you think!


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